Navigators is an Alternative Educational Provision & Specialist College that really works.
We understand the frustration felt by students, parents, carers, social care professionals and educators when current educational settings aren’t working.
Navigators provides a different option. One that celebrates individuality. One that understands the power in “Right Support, Right Place, Right Time”.
We operate a pre-16 part-time Alternative Provision and an Independent Specialist College.
Using our specially designed bespoke programmes, we work together with our trained Navigators mentors and students to deliver a unique social and academic educational programme for both our alternative provision and college programmes. Each programme inspires students with compelling aspirations that feel worth getting out of bed for, while building the foundations for a more secure and stable future. A future that ultimately leads to a happy and fulfilled life.
Who is Navigators for?
Our Pre-16 Alternative Provision supports children & young people (aged 9-16) and their families, whose unique needs are not being met by current educational settings. We work collaboratively on a 121 basis with our students, harnessing the power of their interests and fostering meaningful community interactions to engage and inspire them.
We achieve this by setting time lined, agreed expectations between the student, parent/carer and the host school. With the input of partnering agencies we ensure all stakeholders, especially the student, own and understand their own development plan and pathways open to them.

Navigators Specialised College supports young people (aged 16-24) with a personalised programme to equip each learner with the tools they need to navigate the journey towards greater independence and successful employment.
Navigators College also works with partner businesses to provide work experience and employment opportunities for students both during and at the end of their course.
Our college programmes are funded by the Education & Skills Funding Agency and the Department for Education. We also work closely with and are funded by a range of Local Authorities across the North West.

Parent & Professionals Quotes
Case Studies
Read more about the work we do here at Navigators and our students’ stories.
Our referral process is concise, clear and fully compliant with GDPR.
“As a child who was looked after and experienced the adverse challenges that come with this, I understand how important developing trust and nurturing a positive approach to learning is for our young people”.