Our Alternative Provision Programme

The best way to re-engage young people in learning is to understand their interests and what is meaningful to them.

121 mentoring provides a nurturing framework where students feel cared for, supported and invested in. The power of this approach can be transformational for our students. Our Alternative Provisions programmes are designed for students aged 9 – 16. 

The 121 Social and Academic Education Programme

Our 121 Social and Academic Education programme is here to support young people who, for various reasons, may find it challenging in their current educational setting.  Students work with mentors to develop a bespoke programme, based on each student’s unique attributes, interests and skills. 

Each student’s programme is designed collaboratively with their mentor to help them succeed in their educational journey, with step by step mentoring and support. Our nurturing and therapeutic learning centres create an environment in which our students develop both their social connections and academic knowledge to guide them through the next stage of their lives.  This is done through a tried and tested 3 step model:

  1. Create the environment 
  2. Build the programme around the child
  3. The child is the curriculum

Navigators 121 mentoring programme aims to:

– Nurture the child to allow them to believe in themselves again.
– Reintegrate and keep students in a structured and positive learning environment.
– Establish relationships, build on areas of interest and develop strengths of each student.
– Develop social and ethical intelligence to support each student to make better informed decisions in and outside of the home.
– Improve confidence and aspirations of the student.
– Improve academic levels by working to a curriculum tailored to the student and in line with the students functional level.
– Offer support in reintegration into small groups.
– Prepare the student for their next stage, whatever that may be, in their lifelong learning pathway.

Our Additional Learning Opportunities

Additional learning opportunities boost our student’s confidence when interacting socially with others, extend their social networks and provide them with new skills and abilities. Below is a selection of activities that our students can choose to partake in.

Cook Stars – We are working in partnership with Cook Stars to help our students learn key life skills such as cooking, and developing important social and communication skills needed when working together in a kitchen environment.

Bike Maintenance – Our students can take part in bike maintenance classes which lead to gaining a Level 1 Bike Maintenance accreditation. The course includes health & safety, pre-ride checks, fixing punctures and cleaning bikes.

Shawe Studios – A fantastic resource for our students that teaches them all about creative media, including podcasts, song writing and recording, learning to play instruments, photography and much more.

Boxing – The sessions at On Point Boxing Centre give our students the opportunity to participate in an activity which supports their physical development, as well as their social development as they participate and communicate in a group setting. 

Gym Sessions – Physical exercise plays an important role in our Navigators programmes. From learning how to work out properly in a gym to cycling to football, exercise helps build a positive mental mind set and wellbeing. 

Motor Vehicle Course – The ABC Level 1 Award in Motor Vehicle Studies encourage and enable learners who have an interest in this area of study to acquire knowledge and skills to aid progression to further study or employment.

Skills Construction – Students have the opportunity to take part in a carousel multi-trade construction programme in conjunction with Skills Construction Centre. The programme is designed to take a holistic approach to offer both practical trade skills and essential life skills. The multi-trades include; tiling, painting, plastering, groundworks and brickwork.  Students can work towards an Entry Level 3 qualification in construction.  

The Duke of Edinburgh Award – We offer our students the opportunity to take part in the The Duke of Edinburgh award scheme. The purpose is to empower young people; to support them as they learn new skills, overcome obstacles, and build confidence and resilience. The residential visits that are a pivotal part of the award provide ample opportunities for skill-building, such as teamwork, leadership and agility, and play a vital role in the social and emotional development of children and young people. From effective communication to conquering fears in the face of challenges, students can demonstrate courage and bravery.