How We Work

Our carefully chosen mentors and the 121 relationship that develops
between mentor and student, are fundamental
to the success of our approach.

We start with the individual, finding the right mentor for that student. Mentors and students work collaboratively to explore what genuinely interests and excites them. Together students and mentors will work out a path for success, taking steps together with determination and support, even when faced with an uphill battle.

We find the best mentors, recruiting compassionate and empathetic staff, many with lived experience of some of the challenges our students face.

The outcome of our nurturing approach: students feel seen & heard, re-energised, confident, and invested in a future that feels attainable and exciting.

We work in partnership with local authorities and schools to provide this bespoke, 121 programme. Our child centred approach means that our goals are different for every student – we persevere with young people who are often unwilling to leave their houses (or even bedrooms) at the time of being referred. We work at their pace. For every student the picture of success looks different – it could be returning to an educational setting, sitting functional skills exams, taking part in work experience or paid employment. We take it a step at a time. This is key to results that we see – results that have led us to become the leading Alternative Provision in the region. Take a look at our case studies page for more.

As a looked after child myself, I understand 
how important developing trust and nurturing 
a positive approach to learning is for our 
young people.

Anthony Thompson, Founder and CEO of Navigators

Explore our offer

Pre-16 Alternative Provision Programmes

Our programmes are designed to complement our students needs, ambitions and abilities.

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Our referral process is concise, clear and fully compliant with GDPR.

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