Our Alternative Provision Curriculum
What is our Curriculum?
Our team of dedicated educators, 121 learning support mentors, and pastoral staff provide quality education and wrap-around support to our students. We create a bespoke curriculum, which is tailored around specific needs and interests of our students. Each programme incorporates a personalised educational experience around specific needs, allowing Navigator’s to create a learning environment that is engaging, relevant and meaningful for each individual learner. This bespoke curriculum gives our learners the opportunity to incorporate diverse teaching methods, resources and assessment that align the unique learning styles and abilities of our students. Allowing our students to address any gaps in traditional education and provide an inclusive supporting learning experience by:
- Nurture
- Personal & Social Development
- Academia – Functional Skills and GCSEs
- Vocational
- Bridge and Transition
Initial Assessment
All our students undergo a Skills Forward assessment on entry to allow us to match our sessions to the students starting point. Relevant key stage lead teachers oversee and assess students work and collaborate with mentors and support staff to monitor progress daily through a sessional log system.

Monitoring and Personal Success Targets
Navigators are an outcome driven organisation and we measure our success by individual student outcomes. On referral we agree clearly defined objectives with the referring organisation. This enables a clear pathway, highlighting proposed next steps and achievable outcomes. Work towards achieving the personal, social and academic outcomes is again evidenced after each session using our MIS and is available to view by stakeholders.

Personal success targets
Students achieve good personal academic attainment and follow the NCFE Functional Skills syllabus in English, maths and digital skills. Vocational and other interest led qualifications are added to their programme to meet specific outcomes.

Reporting to schools
We adopt a close collaborative approach with schools and local authorities to satisfy Ofsted Alternative Provison and off-site legislation. Our staff are fully prepared to take regular and satisfactory calls from Ofsted inspectors, ensuring schools and local authorities have the confidence to place their students off site in a safe and successful provision, meeting their needs both academically and socially. At Navigators we use IRIS to allow allows schools to check attendance (in the first 15 minutes of collection), daily logs and termly reports. Alongside IRIS we use CPOMS to report all safeguarding matters and these are reported to school immediately. The safeguarding team will attend all Strategy, CIN, CP and PEP meetings. Our EHCP co-ordinator will attend all EHCP, PEP and SEND meetings with the school. Reports are provided for all these meetings. We also provide a termly report on all students progress against their personalised targets.